10 most efficient ways of saving water in your garden - SAGIPER North America
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10 most efficient ways of saving water in your garden

10 most efficient ways of saving water in your garden

During the warmer seasons the garden becomes the main focus of the household, demanding a higher degree of dedication. However, with the alarming threat of drought, whether in national or worldwide territories, it is imperative to implement measures for conscious and sustainable prevention.

That is why we are presenting you with 10 ways of saving water in the garden, the space that represents about 60,0% of the personal water footprint during the Summer months. Most of these water saving methods are costless for you, but are rather priceless for the environment. Shall we start saving water today?

1. Do not clean rubbish with water

Using water jets to clean your garden represents a large amount of wasted water. If it is really necessary, opt for sweeping first, and removing as many leaves and dust, before washing with water.

2. Water your plants in the morning or in the evenings

This is one of the most known tips, but there is one tiny detail which might make a huge difference: water the soil instead of the plants. Plants absorb water through their roots, so if the water is directed towards them, the probability of it evaporating (even during cooler periods) is lower.

3. Re-use rain water

One of the most economic and practical ways of saving water in your garden is making use of the one coming from the sky, at zero cost. By using a large container, such as a barrel, it is possible to store dozens of litres of nature’s water. Then all you have to do is return it to the soil, on the areas that need it the most.

4. Protect your pool

A pool cover will avoid water evaporation and reduce dirt. That will spare the environment, save up on water and maintenance bills.

5. Create shade and soil covers

Invest in trees or awnings that cast a shade, which reduce the need for watering, and cover the soil with pine bark chips, small rocks or even straw. Besides decreasing the evaporation of the water below, they also keep weeds from growing.

6. Keep your weeds under control

Speaking of weeds… these tiny plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil that are meant for your plants. Although it may seem like quite an insignificant gesture in terms of garden water management, keeping these species under control might make a huge difference when it comes to the water needs for that space.

7. Choose terrain over pots

Whenever possible, plant directly on the terrain, in detriment of pots. This second option might hinder the plant water supply management, especially if they are terracotta pots, because they absorb a large portion of the water that is deposited on the soil.

8. Re-use indoors water for your outdoors

Do not throw away the cold shower water before it hits the ideal temperature. Don’t waste veggie boiling water either, which is rich in nutrients that are good for your plants. This re-use of water results in massive water savings.

9. Wash your car with a bucket

By choosing to wash your car with a bucket, instead of a hose, you end up saving a significant amount of water, and achieving the same goal. Two or three 5 litre buckets of water are enough to wash your car efficient and sustainably. In the end your car will thank you, and so will the environment!

10. Choose the right materials

Choose the right materials for your garden. Opt for materials that are resistant to water absorption and do not require maintenance. This way, you may design a sustainable garden that is going to look beautiful at all times. Take a look at our suggestions for composite decks, and learn about their sustainable features.
