Sagiper products: Features, applications and advantages
Whether it’s a fresh start or a renovation, it is always necessary to consider several material options for a project in order to find the perfect solution. Sagiper offers you great diversity in terms of interior and exterior cladding, as well as composite decks. Here is a closer look on each of Sagiper’s product features, applications and advantages:
Sagideck is the composite deck that results from the combination of wood with thermoplastic. Besides being an ethical and sustainable solution, it also presents unquestionable advantages when compared to other traditional pavement solutions:
- It’s slip resistant;
- It has the look and feel of natural wood, and is available in three tones;
- It’s easy to apply and doesn’t require maintenance;
- It’s highly resistant to UV radiation and water;
- It’s 100% eco-friendly and recyclable;
- It has a 15-year warranty.
Sagideck is traditionally used for exteriors, but it may also be applied to more demanding interiors, given its resistance to adverse conditions.
Sagiwall is a premium cladding. Designed especially for exteriors, this range of products guarantees the best results for your project:
- It’s highly resistant to humidity and temperature changes, even in adverse weather conditions, and also to sunlight’s UV radiation;
- It’s easy to apply and doesn’t require maintenance;
- It’s available in dozens of colours, wood and metallic tones;
- It has a 10-year warranty.
This solution is available in two formats: Sagiwall A, with a 1cm gap between parts and Sagiwall B, with a gap of only 4mm.
More than simple covering, Sagirev will easily become a must-have in your projects’ decoration. The range of Sagirev coverings was developed to meet the most specific requirements of interior and exterior walls and ceilings. Aside from its decorative aspect related to the dozens of available colours, this covering solution also features the following advantages:
- It’s easy to apply and maintain;
- It’s highly resistant to humidity, temperature changes and has total protection from UV radiation.
Sagirev steps up as the best solution for both bold and plain projects.
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